By 2032, we want to see at least 300,000 indigenously authored Bible study resources distributed to local pastors every year. In order to do this, we will need to accelerate the creation of regional Bible commentaries and books by church leaders in the Majority World.

All In for Literature

Africa Bible Commentary

The Africa Bible Commentary was a unique publishing event propelled by Langham – the first one-volume Bible commentary produced in Africa by African theologians to meet the needs of African pastors, students, and lay leaders.

“When people saw the Africa Bible Commentary…they realized that God will actually speak our language.”

–David Waweru, Indigenous Publisher, Kenya

All Glory to God

The locally authored Africa Bible Commentary has impacted churches across the entire continent.

Equipping Future Leaders

Hundreds of universities, colleges and seminaries all over Africa, and even in places such as Haiti and Vanuatu, use the commentary to equip thousands of students.


Local pastors utilize the commentary to provide relevant biblical solutions to local issues, helping their churches grow in Christ.


The commentary was recently translated into Hausa and Amharic, and is also available in English, French, Portuguese, Swahili and Malagasy.

Studies show that pastors share each book provided to them by Langham with up to 10 other pastors and leaders, reaching millions with God’s Word. 

1. Develop groundbreaking one-volume Bible commentaries.

Your gift will enable Langham to develop a one-volume Bible commentary for every major region of the world. Based on the success of the Africa Bible Commentary and others, we are developing similar resources authored by indigenous Christian leaders for their home regions like the Central Asia Bible Commentary and the South Asia Study Bible.

2. Amplify Majority World authors.

Your gift will enable Langham to publish 60 indigenously written books/year that equip local believers. We will also deploy a new custom e-reader platform to digitally deliver Langham publications to Majority World leaders, preachers, and seminaries.

3. Increase Biblical literature distribution.

Your gift will enable Langham to supply 700 seminaries and Bible colleges with $6.1M worth of books for their libraries and students over 15 years.